Well I had a great weekend and thought I'd share with you some of my weekend. Being from Kentucky, I love the Ky. Derby. Been to the Derby many times when I was younger. Went to the infield and partied and had a blast. I still love the Derby and Saturday was the first Saturday in May which means it was Derby Day.The Derby is famous for Mint Juleps and fancy hats.
This year I had a class to teach on Derby Day, so Joan, the owner of Simply Said Rubber Stamps, where I was teaching, decided we should celebrate and and have bourbonless mint juleps and of course we should wear our finest Derby hat. I decided to make my hat. And Friday I went on a quest to pick up the items needed to make the hat. (Nothing like waiting til the last minute.)
I wish I had taken a picture of the items before I assembled the hat, but here's what I bought:
a pink child's headband with a crown attached with beads and boa feathers
a pink drink cozy
pink fun foam
a pink bird with a hat.
pink butterflies
a pink and white daisy flower
I was in pink mode I guess.LOL
OK can you picture those items in your mind??LOL Well after I got home with my treasure trove of goodies, this "derby" hat came together is about 10 minutes.
Here is the finished hat.
Front view
Back View
Here I am sporting this ca-ute hat
Hmmmm maybe I missed my calling, milliner extraordinaire. LOL
Hope your weekend was nice. It rained all day Sunday and is supposed to rain today as well. Oh well the grass is a lovely green and is growing by leaps and bounds.Have a great week.See you soon.

How fun Barbara. I can't believe you put that together in 10 minutes. It looks gorgeous!
This is TOTALLY spectacular!! I love it, I love it, I love it! How super creative of you Barb. And you are just the cat's pajamas wearing your lovely chapeau!
hahahahaha! I love your hat, and it is SO CUTE! Now you know to get more of those headbands so you can make a patriotic hat, a sunflower hat, an autumn hat, a winter hat, a Valentine hat, and an Easter hat! LOL Your classes will be infamous and everyone will know you as Barbara the Hat Princess! xoxoxox
You are one super talented lady! Love this!
Just love it - and hot pink too :)
How flippin' cute! looks like a lot of fun to me :)
CDAC DT Member
A Look Through My Eyes
I love this! That hat is awesome! So much fun! :)
That is such a cute and darling hat you made. I love the pink colors too with all the great decor you added. And, who's that beautiful model? She certainly wears it well.
WOWSERS! Love it! Great job!
that hat belonged in the field at Derby Day!! Love it, glad you enjoyed your day.
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