Hope you had a great Sunday. Today is the third Sunday of the month and about 10 miles from my home is an antique show that is held monthly,
The Burlington Antique Show.This is the 29th year for the show. It runs from April thru October. Last month it rained, so, I didn't go. The show is outside so if there is rain it makes for a soggy show. I have never gone in the rain so, I have no idea how many vendors set up, probably none. The show this month was well attended and I got there about 10:40a.m. This show is held at the Boone County Fair Grounds and covers a lot of acres. Went up and down all the aisles, looking for stuff. You know, the kind that when you see it, you'll know that's what you need, want or have to have. You know, the stuff that you have no idea what you are going to use it for, but you know you gotta have it.
Well I saw a few things that I knew I could use but didn't want to pay the price. But all in all I really hit pay dirt. At least, in my eyes, I did.
I love altered art and I was looking for some stuff that I can use in that venue. Then, I saw items that will work with cardmaking too, and I found a few things that I just had to have. (You know how that is, don't you???)
So, here is what I picked up:

I am not a Pepsi lover, actually I am a Diet Coke girl myself, but I fell in love with these little 4 1/2" high bottles. And what will do with these?? Clueless.
The watch faces will be used in some altered art ideas I have.

These are drawer pulls. and for $.50 each I just had to have these. Now these are probably going to be included on some block dolls that I am going to make, hopefully within the next week. As soon as I get those done, I will post those.

Look at this treasure trove!!!There are red buttons, and these definitely caught my eye.(These will be a great addition to a card.) And those marbles were colorful and they called my name. The gold item reminded me of an art stamp, 3 ladies faces overlapping, and it's a barrette. Each of those item piles were $.50 each. Also in this picture you are seeing 2 different swatches of lace. These are each about 3' X 3' and I only paid $1.00 for each of the 2 large lace swatches. Again, these will be great for cards and altered arts stuff.
Look at the watch faces and the drawer pulls.

I love this barrette and for $.50, what a bargain.

Here is a better look at the marbles and the buttons and the lace.
The rain held off this afternoon 'til after I left the antique show. It started around 2:00 p.m. and the show goes til 3:00 p.m. As I left, some of the vendors were starting to pack up, as they knew there was a great chance for rain.
There is another antique show in Lawrenceburg Ind. and it is held on the 1st Sunday of each month. Their show series started this month and their 1st show was wet, wet, wet. I didn't go, so I will have to see what June is going to be like. In the past I've liked the Burlington show better, but I haven't been to either show in a few years so Lawrenceburg may be the better of the two. Time will tell.
It's time to put my treasures away. I want to make card using the lace. So you may see a post with the lace used in some way, tomorrow.
I've been working on Medallion cards for Sparkle N Sprinkle for the May/June assignment and I am almost done already. As soon as they are done I will post, so you can see what these stamps can do for your cardmaking needs.
Well that is it for now, thanks for stopping by, see you soon,